Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Jinx

After blogging about the Magic in My House, my washing machine went on the fritz. It's been TWO weeks with no washer (thank goodness Mom lives close). Between my husband and I we had to wait for the Maytag repair man THREE times and spent $344.00 only to learn it couldn't be fixed.
But wait there's more. After doing a **happy dance** on Facebook because the new washing machine is being delivered today...those jinxers got me again. How? With an 8:00 am phone call that "it didn't make it on the truck", and "it can get here on Tuesday." That means someone has to stay home from work (again) between 7 and noon, or noon and 4.
That, my friends, is a first class jinx.


  1. You think you had a jinx, everytime I opened my front door to go out, it was blocked by another basket of dirty wash - very dirty wash and lots of it.

  2. "Anonymous"??? Sounds like my mom.
