Thursday, July 2, 2009

Super Serious Patriotic Poop, By Kelly Quinn

Cindy: This week bloggers everywhere are writing about Independence Day. When I sat down to write a brief note, I swiftly fell into clichés. So, I thought I'd ask one of my favorite characters, Kelly Quinn, for her perspective of freedom. Take it away, Kelly.

Kelly: "This is so cool, my first blog. My neighbor Charlotte (Blah!!) Barney is going to be so jealous.
I'd like to start by saying that Cindy is awesome.

Here's the deal with the 4th of July:
Do you know that lots and lots of people died...I mean they chose to die, like they volunteered to risk their lives so that people hundreds of years that I could be any religion I wanted to be? and so that I could get a job doing whatever I want? and so that I can own a house? and so that I can vote (when I am 18)?
As my friend Darbie would say, "That's some super serious patriotic poop."
So, I think the 4th of July is a totally big deal and that Sam - he's the guy that owns Sam's Super iScream, home of the Super Swirley - should create a whole new frozen concoction just for this a Frozen Fruity Firecracker: Blue Raspberry ice cream, red strawberry syrup and white marshmallow topping, all swizzled around and topped with sparklers that really light up. As my dad says, "there's no such thing as too much ice cream or too much football." Forgetting the football, he knows what he's talking about, because he's been eating ice cream his entire life."

Cindy: Thanks, Kelly. I think you're awesome too.

Cindy: All talk of ice cream aside, I'm glad we have a day to celebrate our freedom, because it is something that warrants celebrating.

I hope you enjoy all your many freedoms.

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