Monday, June 29, 2009

Character - In Life and In Fiction

Character is one of the writer's most important tools. Let's take Kelly Quinn for example. We experience her story through her eyes, and as such, we get to know her and the characters around her ie: Darbie, Hannah, Senora Perez, and the Rusamano Twins, who add flavor (ie: Rocket Launching Rainbow), to the adventure.
But, character is also vitally important in life's relationships. In life, character is seen in the way people behave, and how they react to situations, particularly unexpected situations. One's words help define their character, but, as the saying goes, actions speak louder... We witness examples of both good and bad character all the time: At the grocery store, on the soccer field, at work, and in our families. I'm often amazed at the spectrum of character, ranging from random acts of kindness to complete insensitivity. You probably are too. It's said that true character is what one does when no one is watching, then what we witness may not be reality. Hmmmm...confusing?
A big difference between fiction and life is that we writers control what our characters do whether it's something seen or unseen. In life we have no control over other's character, only over our reactions to it.

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