Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Obligatory Back2School Post..and SOCCER!

Has anyone noticed that Back to School is creeping earlier and earlier?? For crying out loud, camp hasn't even officially ended.
The bitterness of back to school is: matching socks, tucking shirts, forms, writing checks, forms, homework, forms, etc...
But, the sweet, sweet smell of CLEATS balances everything out!
Once again I'm coaching the JV Bulldogs, *the* awesomest co-ed soccer team.
What's the big whoop? The sound of cleats on pavement, the look of concentration as a player tries to increase their juggling by just one, the feel of the leather ball in your hands for a throw-in, and even the sweaty smell of shared goalie shirts and pinnies...totally yuck, and totally wonderful. (Of course my teams gets them freshly out of my dryer each week.)
Yelling at these kids is totally acceptable, even expected, and I'm a yeller: "Hustle", "pass", "clear it", "head it" and "SHOOOOOT!". But mostly, I love playing the game with them. And it always amazes me how they get better every week.
Am I reliving my youth? Nope, I'm waaaaayy too young to be reliving anything. so, I'm just living the dream of fall school soccer...

Go Bulldogs!


  1. It's the BEST season of the year. "It's the BEST Jerry, the BEST." SUZ.

  2. Thanks for coaching again this year.

  3. WERE AWSOME SO FAR WHOOOOOO!!!!!WE HAVE WON EVERY GAME SO FAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO BULLDOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
