Friday, September 11, 2009

Have you looked out the window?

Have you looked out the window?
Rain is coming down in slanted sheets. The sky is jam-packed with bleak clouds, angry and bloated. It’s dark enough to feel like dusk, a time of day when I'm usually pooped. But, since it’s only 7 am, I’m awake and my creative energy is fresh. A parade of muses dance around my head, clockwise. The white noise of a bazillion drops hammering on the roof sharpens my focus. What am I getting at? Simply put, it’s a PERFECT day to write. More specifically, it’s a PERFECT day to write spooky, Gothic, melodramatic scenes. I can’t think about anything else.


  1. Yes, I feel it too ;)

  2. "It's PERFECT, Jerry, PERFECT." Suz.

  3. With ya! The raindrops on the roof at 4 AM let me know that mums would wait and today would spent with a pot of tea, a cat at my feet, and words flowing as long as the sky keeps falling ...(or until I have to go do the school pick-up!)
