Sunday, October 4, 2009

So, I Want a Title,...For Me, Not a Book

Not for a front of my name. Somewhere in history there was a need to specify marital status, and/or profession (tweaked for gender) upon first mention of a name. So, society developed Mr, Miss, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Counselor, Majesty, and Your Honor.
These tags are not only efficient, but are also an excellent means to brand oneself. However, in modern times, we're more casual, and often don't use titles. You could even argue that they are passe. But, it still has a certain je ne said quoi. And I want one.
It's not like I don't have any. I've got "Mrs", "Coach", and my personal favorite "Mom", which is truly the best title of all. But these don't capture everything about me...all my "kwon" (if you can name the movie that made "kwon" a household term, you rock!).
Here's the short list of things about me that I want my title to capture: I'm also a pet parent, writer, business professional, caring daughter, sister, awesome friend, life coach (to messed up friends and coworkers), master organizer, deep thinker, avid reader, cool dresser, great listener, secret keeper, blanket maker, creative consultant, multi-tasker, chief problem solver, career consultant, and finder of anything lost (or not lost, but responder to someone who yells..."Where's the...", but that peeve is for another day).

I'm thinking Exalted Artisan or "Exhaltisan" (abbreviated Extn.)

Extn. Cindy Callaghan
Cindy Callaghan, Exhaltisan
Callaghan, Self-Proclaimed Exhaltisan

I need to sleep on this for a few days.


  1. i believe I have a title for you. BGGG. We can discuss.

  2. Well, we're all just going for New York Times bestselling author as the end game!

  3. Ok, I'm following you. when does it get interesting?

  4. How does Cindy Callaghan, Chief Memory Maker, sound? Becky
